Zusätzliche Informationen
Gewicht | 0.3 kg |
Format | LP |
Komponist (Soundtrack) | Thelema |
Label | Cineploit |
Allscore Shop
All Score Media
19.90 € (LP)
On its fifth release for the Cineploit label Thelema – aka sonic alchemist Hans Jürgen – continues the journey into cinematic soundscapes developed over the past decade-plus. Hypnotic harmonies combine with organic sounds from other worlds to create something akin to both Angelo Badalamenti’s Twin Peaks soundtracks and heavy, melancholy trip-hop. This new album features more prominent usage of vocals than on previous records, with a musical backdrop based around drums, violins and keyboards generating a haunting, mesmerizing atmosphere. Let Thelema guide you through this adventure of the senses, a perfect soundtrack for your autumn and winter listening pleasure!
Auf Lager
Gewicht | 0.3 kg |
Format | LP |
Komponist (Soundtrack) | Thelema |
Label | Cineploit |
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All Score Media
Hasenbergstr. 49b
70176 Stuttgart